Sunday, 20 October 2013

Behind Blue Eyes

When I embarked on the journey called life,
On a rainy Friday morning of July,
Joyous people began entering the site of joy,
Oh! How they flattered my mother!!
"He'll grow up and revolutionize the world",some said,
While others found my semblance appealing,
"His jolly face resembles that of baby Krishna of Vrindavan."
"God! Look at his big,blue,breathtaking eyes!"
The azure eyes.....yes! They were noticed by all!
They gazed at my brilliant blue eyes,
As if wanting to snatch them away from me,
My eyes were given unparalleled attention.
I wondered what they deciphered!
Was the innate beauty all they saw?
Or was there something else to encipher?
As I grew up, I began to interpret,
The organs of sight appeared to veil something significant,
And this thought kept me struggling for an apt answer.

Now, with not a tinge of hair on my head,
And a wooden armchair exclusively contrived for me,
I consider again the million-dollar question.
I am now an old, exhausted man,
Living in a peaceful, lonely world,
Everything's static apart from the wooden chair,
It just sways giving me a sense of dynamicity.
My blue eyes reflect the peacefulness of the blue sky.
Look! How calm and quiet it seems!
Apart from a lightning or two,
After all, one would occasionally expect a breach of tranquility.
Like an asthma attack in the middle of speaking some indefinite words,
Or a heart stroke while strolling in the serene lawns,
Oh! How distinctly the azure atmosphere defines my state!

Looking back, when I was a young fellow,
Oh! I had fire in my heart!
I was once flexible and dynamic,
Hard to believe for many, but,yes!
I was one brawny, awe-inspiring man,
As violent and dynamic as the sea.
The blue,formidable waters symbolized my blue eyes.
Sometimes, may be I was too fierce and forceful.
The waves in an ocean rising aberrantly high causing a thunder-storm,
Making it strenuous for the ships to pass by,
And menacing for the aquatic beings underneath.
Oh, yes! The foes were just blown away! That's how valiant I was!

These bold,blue eyes I've got,
Exemplified the discrete junctures of my eventful life.
Oh,there's the horizon as well!
Right between the sea and the sky.
Well!I've got an explanation now.
"Not very analogous", some might say.
To them, I make it very clear.
I contemplated and introspected all my life,
And through these words, I convince myself,
And that is all that matters!
Oh! How we have polluted the sky!
For materialistic pleasures,we find ourselves incapable,
Of adoring the affable breeze blowing by,
Or the coolness and novelty in the air.
The sky is almost dead.
And so am I, as I conclude.
Life is a boon you must never devalue,
Doesn't matter whether your eyes are green,black or blue.

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