Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Delhi Comicon 2014

Comicons are a way of life; it is this place where thousands of comic book aficionados come together discussing about various comic issues, shop merchandise to decorate their homes with supremely geeky stuff and have a great time. The Delhi Comicon, which I was finally able to attend after procrastinating for 4 years, was teeming with fans as early as 11 am. Not only did this event house DC and Marvel comic heroes but also paved the way for Raj Comics, Comixology, Fanfare, Garbage Bin and Tinkle Enthusiasts.

Delhi Comicon Collage
Photo Credits - Rohit Lathkar

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Ordinary to Extraordinary!

I started slow, allowing others to surge ahead...
Steadily they ran and never looked back...
To see how far behind they had left me!
Half a lap had I done...
When they already completed one!
My mind was all cluttered up...
Should I keep it slow and accelerate at the end?
Or should I maintain a steady pace?
I wondered till my head blew off!
'Slow and steady wins the race', I had heard...
But, I let that go for a nerd...
Further, up in the sky, I saw a bird...
And its behaviour left me stirred...
Unhurriedly, it flew in the air...
Its wanting eyes fixed on the wanted prey...
And, all of a sudden, I saw...
It charged towards the ground with stupendous speed...
"Oh! What speed!", I muttered to myself...
As the hunt was enjoyed by the elf...
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