Friday, 31 August 2012

Noose or loose !!! Just take the decision

Landing on the shores of Mumbai on 26/11, they planned to shake the will and courage of the Indian population . Those who saw the news of what 10 terrorists could do in Inda's most populated city ( also the financial capital of India) were appalled. Lady Eowyn's Lord Of the Rings dialogue " Courage!! Courage for our friends!!!" sounded in most of the houses as they waited for the police ( they were shell-shocked too) to take charge and arrest or kill the terrorists. Finally at 8:00 am on 29th Novemeber, the final attack was quelled by the NSG (National Security Guard) commandos killing 3 attackers who were holed out in the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

#2: Black Widow vs Hawkgirl

Well most of my friends had told me that it would be an uneven matchup but it’s the closest pair I got... so let’s begin!!

Name: Natasha Romanova (Romanoff)
Affiliated To: Avengers (Leader for a brief period), S.H.I.E.L.D.
Background: Orphaned at a young age, Natasha was inducted into the Black Widow program and given training in espionage. This was during the World War II when U.S.S.R. and US was busy fighting the Germans. She later manipulated and romanced Hawkeye into fighting against IronMan. After realizing her mistake, she broke ties with her villainous employer and joined S.H.I.E.L.D. becoming an unofficial part of the Avengers.

Name: Shayara Hol
Affiliated To: The Justice League, The Birds Of Prey
Background: A law enforcement officer of the planet Thanagar, she is the wife of Hawkman. She was initially assigned to capture the Rainbow Robbers where she met her partner and later husband Katar Hol ( Hawkman). After the case, in Silver Age , the duo were sent to Earth in pursuit of Byth Rok. On reaching Earth they soon became friends with and later joined The Justice League.


Hawkgirl vs Black Widow

Sunday, 26 August 2012

#1: Hawkeye vs Green Arrow

I am so excited for this first match up between DC Comics "Justice League" vs Marvel Comics "The Avengers". Today the two archer heroes face off against each other to prove their mettle.

Name: Clint Barton
Affiliated To: The Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., Founding member of West Coast Avengers
Background: Orphaned at a young early age, he was raised in a circus where he learnt archery. He later fell out and joined Black Widow who seduced him to help her take down Iron Man. Later he came to senses and then joined the Avengers vowing to rid the world of evil.
Spouse : Mockingbird

Name: Oliver Queen
Affiliated To : The Justice League
Background: Oliver Queen is a wealthy, playboy, philanthropist much like Batman and Iron-Man. He became the archer when he was left stranded on an island after his ship sank and had nothing to defend himself except a bow. He practiced his archery on animals and later took out a gang of smugglers in the island which made him believe that he could put his skills to better use by saving the world from bad villains.
Spouse : Black Canary


Sunday, 26 August 2012

Justice League vs The Avengers

Well you most probably are wondering from where I have actually got the idea to make these 2 awesome superhero teams fight, so let me explain…The show “The Deadliest Warrior” is a show I love and it compares stats and fights heroes and warriors who have never met in a battlefield before and then predicts what the outcome might have been by simulating a 1000 battles fought between the 2 warriors.. So I thought to myself, why not try this with the 2 greatest superhero teams –
Justice League

The DC Comics
 “Justice League” 



The Marvel Comics 
“The Avengers

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Phatalogy - A new science

Phatas are basically PJs or poor jokes. At one point of time in my hostel, the jokes cracked were so bad that we had to standardize them and provide a measuring tool for them. So the three of us (Soumabha, Suraj and Aditya )  along with Apurv Srivastava, Rishab Raj and the master of them all Viswadeep Sarangi (mentioned here as Deepun) formulated the following laws just for fun. Then we had them documented and posted so that it might provide some amusement to you guys as well.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Coursera - Human Computer Interaction by Scott Klemmer

Scott Klemmer
Well, I had no idea about what this course was about. My friend Rishi Bansal introduced me to the Coursera and Udacity websites to me after my 3rd year exams. As I had about 2 month holidays after the exams, I thought why not take up the courses offered and check out how good they are and what they have to offer. 

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Coursera vs Udacity

Online Learning has become popular among many students and the present generations seek to quench their thirst for knowledge using many online education websites like CourseraUdacityMITx...

While all of them are good and have provided good courses for us students, I would like to give a brief comparison note between the 2 giants in the current market - Coursera and Udacity..

Coursera vs Udacity

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Satyendranath Bose – Our beloved teacher

The following article is written by Juthika Ray Chaudhuri, who had the pleasure of being his student and learning from the great man himself. She passed out in 1952 and studied directly under him for 2 years before majoring in pure Physics with specialization in X Rays. Here is an article written by her about her experiences as student. She is now 81 years old and has tried her best to narrate the incidents as accurately as possible.

Well most of you might not have heard his name so I'll give a quick and a brief intro as to who he  was and why I consider him the greatest. He was essentially one of the first Indian quantum physicists who had the pleasure of working with Einstein. He laid the foundation for Bose-Einstein statistics and the Bose-Einstein condensate. He was awarded the Padma-Vibhushan by the Indian Government in 1954. Most of us might have heard about bosons, they are particles which follow the Bose-Einstein statistics and thus the inventor Paul Dirac named it after Satyendranath Bose. One of the main goals of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in  Geneva is to test the presence of these Higgs-boson particles. He also has the bose-gas named after  him, the bose gas contains bosons and follows the ideal gas equation. He died at the age of 80 in 1974.

Professor Bose was our beloved teacher. Now after so many years ( I passed out of college in 1952). At that time he hadn’t received the Padma Vibhushan one of the highest honours given by the Indian government so was not very well known. He led a simple life and often wore dhoti and a white coloured vest while the kurta rested on his shoulders.  He often strode out of his car while his driver carried his briefcase to his office.

Saturday, 11 August 2012


The question which should be on every Indian’s mind –“Why is a country with a population of 1.22 billion going gaga over a mere 6 medals that they won at Olympics 2012?” Yes, I am talking about India and if you have any other country in mind following the above criteria, then shame on them too. The point is that even after having skilled and talented sportspersons we could manage only 4 bronze and 2 silver medals. So what do we lack? Proper Training? Selfless sportsmanship spirit? Funding? Publicity and Marketing?

India, y u no win any medals!!!

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