Friday, 23 August 2013

Like the Wind..

Shashank PandeyShashank Pandey

Shashank Pandey is a third year Msc(Hons) Biology and Mechanical Engineering student at Bits Pilani, Pilani Campus. An art enthusiast, he spends his time doodling and writing poems. His obsession with animes is very well known to his friends. He can be contacted via his Facebook profile .

Like the wind, or be its gust,
I gotta move on, I must..
Searching for accomplices,
I came across faces..
Faces which were never true,
Mask over masks, I couldn’t see through..
Leaving them behind and watching them fade,
Full of remorse, still no time for ballade..

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Coursera - Competitive Strategy by Tobias Kretschmer

Tobias KretschmerHaving never done a Game Theory course before, I initially took the course just out of curiosity, but it turned out to be so gripping and interesting that I stuck on right till the end. The course mainly deals with the actions a player takes in different circumstances, evaluating payoffs and deciding market strategies . LMU Professor Tobias Kretschmer and the staff have worked really hard in creating an exhaustive content which is explained in a simplified manner.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Coursera - The Science of Safety in Healthcare by Cheryl Dennison and Peter Pronovost

Krista Urchenko
Krista Urchenko

Krista is currently a Medical Laboratory Science student at The Michener Institute of Applied Health Sciences in Toronto, ON. She previously completed her Bachelor of Science in Microbiology at the University of Manitoba in 2011. She also blogs about her adventures as a woman in science at

I became interested in Coursera courses after seeing another blog post about someone who had taken a course on criminology. As a current student, I thought it would be interesting to compare the quality of learning in this course to what I learned at my school and hence ended up taking this course.

I was enrolled in The Science of Safety in Healthcare through Johns Hopkins University. The content provided was very well done - full of quality video lectures by the instructors and information about how to create positive change to better patient safety. They supplied videos by other lecturers too including nurses, physicians and allied professionals. I could tell a few were record at lectures for their Medical Students.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Once Upon The Tracks Of Mumbai by Rishi Vohra

It had been a while since I read an indian author,the last being Vikas Swarup’s Six Suspects. As such “Once Upon the Tracks of Mumbai” by Rishi Vohra brought me delight over anything else. Rishi  Vohra who has been a columnist for various newspapers in India, enters the Indian novel Industry with his ‘love against odds’ story of a middle class guy called Babloo.

Babloo’s an autistic middle class Mumbai-kar craving for normalcy and love. His love for Vandana, the hot chick of the locality makes him think about her all night long.

Friday, 2 August 2013

My Stroke Of Luck by Vijay Santhanam

Harsha Vardhan Reddy

Harsha is a final year student of Mechanical Engineering at BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus. He has led various student initiatives in the past three years in Pilani and has just finished his summer internship at Accenture Management Consulting. He was also the head of AIESEC chapter at BITS Pilani.

Few minutes into the book, I realised that this is the kind of book which a person should get to read at least once in his life. Irrespective of which phase of life you read it in, it can have an everlasting impact on who you will be as a person. The book reiterates faith in humanity – what a man can do with determination and willpower. The inspiring difference is, it is not done in a way how Nelson Mandela`s autobiography can but in a way which inspires an ordinary man to realise his potential.

My Stroke Of Luck by Vijay Santhanam
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield

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