Tuesday 11 February 2014

Ordinary to Extraordinary!

I started slow, allowing others to surge ahead...
Steadily they ran and never looked back...
To see how far behind they had left me!
Half a lap had I done...
When they already completed one!
My mind was all cluttered up...
Should I keep it slow and accelerate at the end?
Or should I maintain a steady pace?
I wondered till my head blew off!
'Slow and steady wins the race', I had heard...
But, I let that go for a nerd...
Further, up in the sky, I saw a bird...
And its behaviour left me stirred...
Unhurriedly, it flew in the air...
Its wanting eyes fixed on the wanted prey...
And, all of a sudden, I saw...
It charged towards the ground with stupendous speed...
"Oh! What speed!", I muttered to myself...
As the hunt was enjoyed by the elf...
                                         Soon, my excitement turned into encouragement...
"Come on! I can do it!", I screeched...
I cleared up the clutter in my mind...
I looked at the soil beneath my feet...
And realized it was hampering my movement...
Hampering it was, just a little...
But, strong is always preferred over brittle...
I figured out the difficulties I was facing...
But, they were simply exemplary, those who were racing...
Got my body and my mind under control...
The time I took to adjust had taken its toll...
I knew I was now, a rejuvenated man...
I had to, spiritedly, execute my plan...
As I, strenuously, began to sprint...
Who was going to win, nobody had a hint!

Ordinary to Extraordinary!

With nothing to lose and the world to win...
To just give up and shake hands would have been a sin...
Overtaking the men in front seemed a distant proposition...
They, easily had more medals than me in their arsenal...
The eminence and experience was on their side...
But, I had to keep darting till I died...
With a lap left for me while others had much lesser to run...
I gave more than what my body had to offer...
"Check your answer-sheet a hundred-and-one times",Ma'am used to say...
I just followed her, mostly in studies,but this time, in play...
Gave my hundred-and-one percent,even on a scorching, tiring day...
And, after the race, on the ground I lay...
A satisfied man, I gave my best...
Who would have thought I could beat the rest?
There was only one guy who thought so...
Given no chance, but he took a chance...
And it paid off, in multiple ways...
The gold, the trophy, the bouquet I did receive...
But, I realized there was much more I had achieved...
People talk about how to succeed in life...
To them I say,"The methods are rife."...
Depends on the person, his character, his values...
I personally found the right medicine for me...
Yeah! I got to know how far I can stretch...
When you've got to break the world records...
You've got to sacrifice everything and anything, be it your life...
"The sky is the limit", they say...
"Let it go further up", if you may...
When you're down and out,you've got to rise up and get in...
Inspite of trailing for the most part, how did I win?
I know I slacken when there's a jolt...
But, I also know, that when I press, in trouble is Usain Bolt!
Got a lovely brother, four years younger, have I...
Still searching for a way to bake the pie...
And when he learns the all-important lesson as I did today...
The gold, the trophy, the bouquet, I'll give him with a tray.

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