Tuesday 7 January 2014

Cold January Nights

After the Sun sets, when the clock strikes seven...
You cover yourself with coats and quilts and feel like heaven.
You try to get up and engage in the home sciences...
But you just can't and unexploited lie the appliances.

You switch on the idiot box, in hope of resurrection...
As if it would change the whole complexion.
Constantly and casually, the channels are browsed...    
And soon, the curiosity fades away, which earlier had aroused.    
Baby in sheets

Later, you are summoned for the meal...
But, no wonder, missing is the zeal.
Late at night, nice steaming drinks are served...
And thus, in the cold, ultimate sanctity is observed.

The most elegant event of the day arrives at ten...
Dad orders,"Its campfire time!", as if a lion roaring from his den.
All the shivering victims take their seats around the fire...
Merrily they chuckle and chat, mocking every liar.


The blazing fire, steadily warms the bodies...
All are lulled to sleep, especially the ladies.
Later, they stagger their way to the bedrooms...
So soporific is the weather that, the blankets, no one grooms.

You sleep a peaceful sleep, only to wake up at six...
For grandpa's determination and dexterity, there's no fix.
He makes tea and commands you to gulp it down...
"Lets walk the talk", he says and you walk around the town.

Walking Trail

The winter days are splendidly spent, having great fun...
Alas! I'll have to wrap this up, as its already one.
There's no doubt these days are rough and tough...
But,they are the best and I say this with a bad cough.