Monday 10 June 2013

Jiah, Jiya Rey !! How Not To Commit A Suicide

While I try to stay away from most of the Bollywood News, you can clearly see from my title that I cannot boast about being successful in this field. As we are all aware of, Jiah Khan - the actress who starred in Nishabd, Ghajini and Housefull had committed suicide about 5 days back.

Jiah Khan

Since when has suicide become the easy way out for people who are not happy with their lives? Life is never a straight road, it is full of curves and bends and ups and downs. One moment you get some good news and the next moment it might turn into bad. What is next - a boy dying because his father didn't buy him a bike? Oh, wait that has already happened. Yes, a boy who had recently passed his 10th board exam had asked his father for a bike. His father refused as his son was underage for driving. A few hours later, he walks into his son's room to find him hanging from the ceiling. Think what is going through his father's mind - If only he had agreed to buy his son a bike this would never have happened. Just because the boy chose the cowardly path of ending his life doesn't mean he can make his old man suffer; that is just plain selfish.

So what if your boss is too harsh on you for not meeting the improbable targets. So what if your marriage is in shambles and your spouse is cheating on you with some other ruggedly handsome guy / beautiful chick. So what if you did not turn out to be the prodigy everyone thought you would be. Everyone can feel depressed and disappointed in some of the life-choices made by/for them. I mean the counselors are not exactly idiots for studying 3-4 years and then charging people for solving their life-crises.

So if you think that because your life is not worth living, it is better to end it, well think again. There are beggars on the road who are not able to provide a shelter for their family or get one square meal a day. I don't see them whining and committing suicide. They do have much bigger problems than you do.

I would like to give an example of a friend of mine - Goutham Choudhary, who always counted the positives in life. When we were kids, we were caught in school and to set an example for the other students, we were being punished in front of the entire school, our parents were being called and I wanted to dig a deep hole and get myself buried in it. I looked at him and he gave me a wink and smiled. He told me something which I use as a mantra for all the bad situations I fall in " Just thought of the worst possible outcome that could arise from this situation and it is really not as bad as it seems, I mean what is the maximum that can happen dude..."

Every time I get into trouble or feel depressed, I ask myself - " What is the maximum that could happen " and the result is always more comforting and better than what I had originally foreseen.



  1. What a mature writing :).
    Indeed ,it is not the easy way out,can never be n should never be.
    Keep them coming,look forward to many more such interesting reads :)

    1. Thanks for reading :) Felt it from my heart and so had to pen it down.

    2. Insecurity/depression or insult are the main causes for such extreme decisions in life.We have to train our kids from childhood to face life.Life is very precious and we need to justify it by keeping us upgraded with every opportunity and education.On the way we may come across some insults,some depressive moments,some blocks,treachury and inappropriate comments but that should not deter us for being good to others.Our behaviour and our attitude with members of the family and outside the family is watched by our children minutely so we should always be aware of that.Saying 'no'is not only an art but also is difficult,which needs to be taught and mastered.
      Your writing rakes up a lot of issues subtly and your friend's punchline is commendable.You have rightly said about the daily challenges faced by beggers and the underpreviledged.If they can why not others? Keep up the good writing. Tapan Das

    3. Thank You Tapan Uncle. Learning how to cope with failure and bad times is what is required in the present times.

  2. Very nicely written and I completely agree matter how bad the situations is,suicide is in no way a solution to a problem and life is all about ups and downs and we always must respond to it positively..

    1. Yes, positivities drawn from life will surely prevent people from taking rash decisions.

  3. i guess its the moment people give in to. if they control their emotions in that moment, it wont lead to such sad consequences. The guy has been arrested today though...:)

    1. That is exactly my point, committing the suicide was her action. Yes, the guy maybe abusing her and raping her but you got to understand that this is not murder it is a suicide. [ I am in no way telling that the guy was right to do so]

  4. Problem is people give more importance to things/1 person than to their own life/those who care about them. I think if you are depressed, which we all are at one point or another; look at your parents and siblings. They don't deserve the pain you would cause by taking your life.

  5. Totally agree with you Saru.
