Friday 8 March 2013

Coming soon.. Apogee 2013

Young Minds + Technical Events + Guest Lectures + Enthusiasm + Fun & a lot more = Apogee

As I await my first Apogee along with 6000+ registrants here at BITS Pilani, I sizzle with excitement. I’m sure, just like me, each one of them would be more than eager to race remote controlled cars at FTGP, to tremble with the pulse of the stock market, to make hovercrafts and warrior robots, to be wrapped in the excitement of Hackathon and to do a lot more exciting things that a blog post can not sum up.
If all that written above sounds like a lot. Keep calm and ‘Think Again’..


#include “Think Again Conclave
char (Jeff Lieberman); /* host TIme Warp, an MIT-trained artist, scientist and engineer. Here is his TEDx talk link. Jeff is a man, who considers our minds to be thought generating machines. His Time-warp videos make  the Think again conclave promising, worth waiting for and raises our anticipations to a whole new level */

char (Piyush Pandey); /* The man behind zoo-zoo, fevicol and cadbury ads. He is a winner of over 600 advertising awards over the world. Brace yourself to dive into deep oceans of creative and soar the highest clouds of Advertising*/
return 0;
If (gamer);
print (“Watch out for Armageddon. Gaming competitions Need for speed most wanted, FIFA 11, Counter Strike, DOTA , Age of Empires and more ..!! \n”); /* Exciting, isn’t it ? */
printf (“Nah! this isn't the end of it. Also watch out for Augmented reality pool, a plethora of quizzes, debates and cultural events.\n”);
return 0;

The thirty first edition of BITS-Pilani’s Annual Technical Festival "APOGEE 2013" begins on the 15th of March. COSTAA, various departments and clubs, student body are working day in day out to make this edition of APOGEE the biggest and the best ever. And it does seem like a mouth watering, doesn't it?

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