Friday 31 August 2012

Noose or loose !!! Just take the decision

Landing on the shores of Mumbai on 26/11, they planned to shake the will and courage of the Indian population . Those who saw the news of what 10 terrorists could do in Inda's most populated city ( also the financial capital of India) were appalled. Lady Eowyn's Lord Of the Rings dialogue " Courage!! Courage for our friends!!!" sounded in most of the houses as they waited for the police ( they were shell-shocked too) to take charge and arrest or kill the terrorists. Finally at 8:00 am on 29th Novemeber, the final attack was quelled by the NSG (National Security Guard) commandos killing 3 attackers who were holed out in the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel.

Kasab killingOkay I think I am straying away from the topic.. lets come back to Kasab. He was one of the 10 who came to India to replicate the Islamabad Mariott hotel attacks. He landed on the shores just like the others and then thought why not we go and have some fun in the Train Station. So he and Ismail Khan, his buddy, went to the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station and started firing at the unarmed crowd. They killed about 58 people and injured 104 others. They attacked the station for about an hour and then fled the scene searching for bigger targets - the Indian Police Force.They quickly killed 8 of the force and then headed for the Cama hospital. Now the police force wanted to show their intelligence (read stupidity) , so they thought "Why not put 3 high ranking officers (Maharashtra ATS Chief Hemant Karkare, encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar and Additional Commissioner of Mumbai Police Ashok Kamte) in the same Qualis with 2 constables". Thankfully for them, the terrorists had run out of hand grenades and couldn't blow the three to pieces, so only opened fire at the Qualis. Killing the three officers, they hijacked the Qualis with the 2 constables and drove through the city like drunk African guerilla squads. Finally they came across a barricade and tried to back off to avoid the huge police force standing in front of them. Seeing this the police force started firing. Ismail got killed and Kasab lay motionless. Expecting them to be dead, the Indian Police Force sent a constable armed with lathi to check on them.[Sarcasm alert] Bravo!!! I believe this barricade's commander is the most intelligent guy we'll ever find, His IQ points must go through the roof!!!... But Tukaram Omble was a sturdy one, even with a lathi he held off Kasab long enough for the reinforcements to come and grab Kasab. Unfortunately in the process Tukaram was shot 5 times and died soon after. May the brave soul rest in Peace..

Kasab footage -NDTV
Source - NDTV

So the next part, after Kasab's arrest spanned over 4 years so I'll quickly cut to the chase by writing a short summary of what happened in between.

December 2008:
Kasab : I was trained in Lashkar-e-Taiba. We had camps in Pakistan, that is where I come from.
Pakistan: Bhak!! He is lying. We want proof..

January 2009:
India: Here is the proof. Admit karo abhi ke abhi (Singham style)
Pakistan: Ok he came from our land!!

February 2009:
Police and Lawyers: Here are 11000 sheets telling who Ajmal Kasab is and the charges against him.

April 2009:
Kasab: Y u no try me in juvenile court, I am only 17 years old.
Court: Why don't you go and screw yourself.

July 2009:
Kasab: Yeah I committed the crimes... Hang me!!!
Everyone: Ohh thanks for telling, we didn't know.
Prosecutors: Nailed him
Defenders: Ohh shit!!
Judge Tahilyani: His acceptance doesn't prove anything ( OMG!!!). Let the trial continue.

Kasab Schemes memeDecember 2009:
Kasab: Hehe fooled you!! I was just kidding, I came to India to become actor, I am not a terrorist (My name is Kasab and I am not a terrorist).. didn't I fool you with my acting skills.  Please don’t execute me.. I love the biriyani here and the AC gives me a good night’s sleep everyday.

May 2010:
Court : Ok hang this guy.. he deserves to die..
Everyone: Yes!!! Hang him!!

Oct 2011;
Supreme Court: Wait, let us go through Kasab's plea once more...
Everyone: No!!!!

August 29 2012:
Supreme Court: We have come to a conclusion that he should be hanged..
Everyone: < too busy updating Facebook status >

XXXXXX and 1 million others posted on Kasab's wall
“Die and Burn You wretched scum!!”

I am not friends with Kasab on facebook but I think this would surely be written, if we were.

Hang Kasab game

So what is his future? Will he be hanged?

I seriously doubt that. Afzal Guru who attacked the Parliament is still alive. He is still waiting for the President’s mercy plea answer. He too knows that Congress will never hang him so he gives statements like “I am not scared of being hanged” daring them to authorize the capital punishment. The best part is that the Constitution doesn’t give the President any restriction on the time to decide their verdict on the clemency plea, so they take their own sweet time and decide NOTHING.

The country’s ruling party has to decide “What message they are giving the public and the other countries?”. According to me it is clear that it gives an impression of utmost tolerance. It is as if we are inviting other terrorists to come and harm us and in-turn we will give you biryani, AC and satisfy all their whims and wishes. Well if that is the case I guess we should post advertisements, maybe giving an offer for 3 days/2 nights in luxurious Indian jail would convince them to commit more such atrocities against us.

So it's my sincere plea to whichever governement is in power to at least decide something so that we don't look like weak-minded idiots. We would all like these crime-committing villains to hang but you are the guys in power... Just decide !!!!


  1. We are motivated by a keen desire for praise, and the better a man is the more he is inspired by glory. The very philosophers themselves, even in those books which they write in contempt of glory, inscribe their names.

    - Joy Baba
